Catalog of episodes of The Big Picture (Editor's note: This is a compilation of material from annual catalogs copied from the National Archives and Records Administration. The information may be incomplete or incorrect. If you have better information, please write to the Webmaster.)
General Information This catalog, prepared for .your convenience and handy reference, contains a listing of the films in THE BIG PICTURE series. Also listed by year produced is a brief description of each episode. THE BIG PICTURE is the official television report by the U.S. Army to its members and to the American people. Subject matter for episodes ranges from historic moments in Armys proud history to up-to-the-moment coverage of current actions and accomplishments. Distribution Distribution of the series was broken down into two main primary showings and secondary showings. Normally a period of approximately three to five months elapsed between the primary and secondary showings. Primary showings of THE BIG PICTURE were made to members of the Army through the Command Information Program at each installation. At the same time, primary showings were seen over television stations throughout the U.S. and armed forces television outlets overseas. These stations presented the series as a public service offering each week for the Armed Forces and the American public. More than 320 television stations in the U.S. showed THE BIG PICTURE with more than 40 stations overseas utilizing the series. To provide adequate distribution on this scale, films were rotated among the stations using the series. Following these primary showings, secondary showings were then available. Included in secondary showings were additional Amy units desiring films for use in Command Information Programs, civilian schools, public groups and professional and civic organizations. Individual episodes of THE BIG PICTURE served as a valuable supplement for talks, presentations or training sessions. Each episode was 28 minutes, 40 seconds long on 16mm film. How Films Were Obtained To obtain THE BIG PICTURE, military users would utilize DA Form 11 -44 and forward this request to the nearest Audio-Visual Communications Center (AVCC). TV stations and other civilian users would make their requests by contacting the nearest Army installation, ATTENTION: Information Officer, the Information Officer for the Army Area in which located, or the nearest Audio-Visual Communication Center (AVCC). After the initial request was processed the AVCC would provide civilian users with a supply of forms for subsequent orders. How to Use This Catalog The initial section contains a Master Title List of all BIG PICTURE films. This is separated into lists of Obsolete Films, Withdrawn Films and Pictorial Reports, Newsreels and Digests. These listings presented the latest episodes first for easy current reference with the previous productions listed in reverse order. When a film in the Master Title List is of interest, note the TV number preceding it. Use this reference number to locate the corresponding TV number in the body of the catalog. Here you will find a brief synopsis of the film. The numbers are listed In reverse order from TV-617to TV-169, which was the first BIG PICTURE episode. Withdrawn and obsolete films have been identified. Obsolete films, marked by an asterisk (*) are not available for distribution. Withdrawn films, listed separately, were available to all users except television stations. Each summer a section was distributed updating the listing of THE BIG PICTURE episodes for the past year. This addition was placed in the front of the catalog so that the listings would continue in ordered sequence and the latest listings will appear first. Also contained in this updating for each year was any addition to the Obsolete and Withdrawn listings. For Further Information THE BIG PICTURE series was under the supervision of the Office of the Chief of Information, Department of the Amy, Washington, D. C. Zip Code 20310. For specific questions regarding the series or further information, write to the above address, ATTENTION: Tele-Radio Branch.
TV 169 The First Forty Days in Korea TV 170 The Turning of the Tide TV 171 The United Nations Offensive TV 172 Chinese Reds Enter the War TV 173 United Nations Forces Escape the Chinese Trap TV 174 United Nations Consolidate Below the 38th Parallel TV 175 United Nations Forces Push the Chinese Back TV 176 The United Nations Offensive Continues TV 177 The UN Forces Cross the 38th Parallel TV 178 The Reds Launch Their Expected Spring Offensive TV 179 United Nations Forces Counterattack TV 180 The Korean Cease-Fire Talks Begin TV 181 The UN Line is Stabilized While Truce Talks Continue TV 182 The Mission of the Army TV 183 The Army Combat Team TV 184 The Citizen Soldier TV 185 The Combat Soldier TV 186 Duty, Honor, Country TV 187 The Army Reserve Team TV 188 Army Aviation TV 189 The Army Medical Corps TV 190 The Army Chaplains TV 191 Women in the Army TV 192 The Eyes and Ears of the Army TV 193 Enough and On Time TV 194 Citizen, Soldier and Taxpayer, Too TV 196 A Day in Korea TV 198 Information and Education Overseas (Part One) TV 199 We Never Stop TV 200 Army Language School TV 201 Civil Assistance, Korea TV 202 Pictorial Report No. 1 TV 203 Follow Me TV 204 The Citizen Soldier TV 204 Army Transportation Corps TV 205 All American TV 206 Truth is Our Defense TV 207 Pictorial Report No. 2 - A variety of subjects covered by our cameras both in Korea and in the United States. Included are: The story of a Quartermaster Aerial Supply Company, and the story of the 8209 Mobile Army Surgical Hospital. TV 208 Tools for a Modern Army TV 209 (Not Used in BIG PICTURE Series) TV 210 The Big Red One TV 211 The Work Horse of the Western Front (35th Infantry Division) TV 212 The 1st Cavalry Division and the 41st Infantry Division TV 213 D-Day Convoy to Normandy TV 214 The 6th Infantry Division TV 215 The Red Bull Attacks TV 216 All-American (82nd Airborne Division) TV 217 The Famous Third Army TV 218 Blood and Bullets TV 219 Naples to Cassino TV 220 Invasion of Southern France TV 221 The 7th Infantry Division TV 222 29th Infantry Division TV 223 Third Korean Winter TV 224 Seventh Army TV 225 Fire Power Artillery TV 226 Special Services TV 227 Operation Blue Jay TV 228 Ranger Ready TV 229 Double Duty American Reserves TV 230 Alaska TV 231 Report from the Provost Marshal General TV 232 Soldier in Berlin TV 233 Armored Force TV 234 Army Aviation TV 235 Korean Wind-Up TV 236 Pictorial Report No. 3 - Around the world in 30 minutes -- showing military police activities in Europe, helicopter activities in the Far East and the latest in training methods within the Zone of Interior. TV 237 Hawaiian Defense TV 238 Soldier in Europe TV 239 The Soldier Patient TV 242 Atrocities in Korea TV 244 Christmas in Korea 1953 TV 245 Guided Missiles TV 246 A Second Life TV 247 The Quartermaster in Europe TV 249 This is Aberdeen TV 250 Olympics TV 253 Pictorial Report No. 6 TV 258 This is First Army TV 259 This is Second Army TV 260 This is Third Army TV 261 This is Fourth Army TV 262 This is Fifth Army TV 263 This is Sixth Army TV 264 Pictorial Report No. 7 TV 266 Exercise Flash Burn TV 274 Fifteen Forty-Five Hours TV 275 Military District of Washington TV 277 The WAC is a Soldier, Too TV 279 Education in the Army TV 280 Airborne to Battle TV 281 Soldier in Britain TV 282 Army Technical Schools in Europe TV 287 Nerves of the Army TV 288 Time to Go TV 290 Nurses in the Army TV 291 NATO Maneuvers (1954) TV 299 Pictorial Report No. 11 TV 300 Role of the Army TV 304 Pictorial Report No. 12 TV 305 Pan American Games TV 312 Army Information School TV 315 Army Talent TV 326 Division in Europe TV 328 Soldier in France TV 333 - Pictorial Report No. 21 - A visit to the fabled land of Siam and a personal visit with Army Chief of Staff General Maxwell Taylor. TV 348 Historic Fort Monroe TV 350 Pictorial Report No. 25 TV 357 Army Ballistic Missile Agency TV 376 Pictorial Report No. 30 TV 377 Brush Fire Korea TV 383 Engineer Supply Mission TV 385 Our Sons TV 390 Army Newsreel No. 1 TV 396 Atomic Battlefield TV 409 Army Newsreel No. 2 TV 438 The Unseen Weapon (CBR) TV 483 Army Digest No. 4 TV 533 Prelude to Taps TV 571 Tools for Learning TV 371 Mister Army TV 372 Pictorial Report No. 29 TV 373 Preamble to Peace TV 374 Provide for the Common Defense (JOCO) TV 375 Alexandria City of Understanding TV 376 Pictorial Report No. 30 TV 377 Brush Fire -- Korea TV 378 Southern European Task Force (SETAF) TV 379 Pictorial Report No. 31 TV 380 42nd Rainbow Division TV 381 What Makes a General TV 382 The History of Cavalry TV 383 Engineer Supply Mission TV 384 Missile Man TV 385 Our Sons TV 386 Many Roads to Glory TV 387 Ottumwa, U.S.A. TV 388 42nd Field Artillery Group TV 389 Armored Combat Power UNNUMBERED RELEASE Operation Life Line TV 390 Army Newsreel No. 1 TV 391 Graduate R.O.T.C. TV 392 Pictorial Report No. 32 TV 393 Individual Protection Against Atomic Attack TV 394 Pentomic Army TV 395 Special Services (USAREUR) TV 396 Atomic Battlefield TV 397 Army Satellites TV 398 The General Bradley Story TV 399 Your Defense TV 400 Far East MAAGS TV 401 Fire Brigade TV 402 Why NATO TV 403 Southeast Asia Treaty Organization TV 404 Missile on Target TV 405 (Not Used in BIG PICTURE Series) TV 406 Battle of Salerno TV 407 Religious Emphasis Day in Philadelphia TV 408 The General Marshall Story TV 409 Army Newsreel No. 2 TV 410 First Sergeant TV 411 Aerial Mobility TV 412 Soldiers Heritage TV 413 Battle of the Bulge TV 414 Salute to the Canadian Army TV 415 Story of a Squad TV 416 The General MacArthur Story TV 417 Battle of Manila TV 418 Seven-Year-End Report TV 419 Pictorial Report No. 33 TV 420 A Debt is Honored TV 421 Pentomic Seventh Army TV 422 Alaska The Outpost State TV 423 Okinawa Bastion of the Pacific TV 424 USMAAG Germany TV 425 The Stilwell Story TV 426 Flying Soldiers TV 427 The Patrol TV 428 Code of the Fighting Man TV 429 Character Guidance TV 430 People to People TV 431 Battle of San Pietro TV 432 Thayer of West Point TV 433 The Common Defense TV 434 Canine College TV 435 The Eisenhower Story TV 436 The Admiral Nimitz Story TV 437 The General Hap Arnold Story TV 438 The Unseen Weapon (CBR) TV 439 Nike-Hercules A Reality TV 440 The Quartermaster Story TV 441 Battle for New Guinea TV 442 This is Fort Monmouth TV 443 West Point Summer Cadet Training TV 444 The General Pershing Story TV 445 Summer Storm TV 446 Winter War TV 447 Wars End TV 448 Phantom Fighters (10th Special Forces) TV 449 A Sharper Sword and Stronger Shield TV 450 Airborne Soldier TV 451 Korea Today TV 542 Look Toward Tomorrow TV 453 History of the Signal Corps GV 454 Washington Soldier TV 455 Germany Today TV 456 Operation Discovery TV 457 Army Medicine TV 458 History of Firepower TV 459 The Joe Mann Story TV 460 Signal Soldiers TV 461 Operation Danville TV 462 The Army A Deterrent to Aggression TV 463 Army Digest No. 1 TV 464 One Army TV 465 The Armys First TV 466 Army Digest No. 2 TV 467 USO Wherever They Go TV 468 The General Patton Story TV 469 Ranger Mark of a Man TV 470 Tularosa Frontier TV 471 Top Soldier TV 472 The Seventh Army Story TV 473 Project Man TV 474 I Am the Guard TV 475 Arms for Tomorrow TV 476 The American Way of Life TV 477 Operation Cartwheel TV 478 Old Glory TV 479 Army Digest No. 3 TV 480 Payoff in the Pacific (Part One) TV 481 Payoff in the Pacific (Part Two) TV 482 The Story of Stars and Stripes TV 483 Army Digest No. 4 TV 484 Battle of North Africa (Part One) TV 485 Battle of North Africa (Part Two) TV 486 They Were There TV 487 Army Digest No. 5 TV 488 Big Picture Highlights TV 489 Eighth Army Shield of the Free World TV 490 Army Digest No. 6 TV 491 Decade of NATO TV 492 U. S. Army Language School TV 493 Dateline: West Berlin TV 494 Operation Lead Dog TV 495 Mouth-Mouth Resuscitation TV 496 History of Maneuvers TV 497 (Not Used in BIG PICTURE Series) TV 498 (Not Used in BIG PICTURE Series) TV 499 (Not Used in BIG PICTURE Series) TV 500 (Not Used in BIG PICTURE Series) TV 501 (Not Used in BIG PICTURE Series) TV 502 History of Aviation (Part One) TV 503 History of Aviation (Part Two) TV 504 History of Aviation (Part Three) TV 505 Partners in Progress TV 506 Breakout and Pursuit (B&W - 1961) Story of "Operation Cobra" in World War II, in which American forces broke through Normandy and began their push across Europe. TV 507 STRAC Fourth TV 508 Broken Bridge TV 509 Role of Armor TV 510 Special Digest TV 511 Army Digest No. 8 TV 512 Challenge of Ideas TV 513 Infantry Operations TV 514 City Under the Ice TV 515 West Point--Education for Leadership (B&W - 1961) Life at West Point -- scholastic profile of faculty and cadets, athletic program, discipline, recreational, and social aspects. TV 516 The Army Nurse TV 517 The Military Police Story (B&W - 1961) Military Police history and present day training at Fort Gordon, Georgia -- physical conditioning, specialized skills and techniques, and laboratory work. TV 518 Silent Warriors TV 519 Korea and You TV 520 U. S. Army and the Boy Scouts TV 521 OCS Fort Sill TV 522 Global Frontiers TV 523 The Army's Music Men (B&W - 1961) A visit to the U.S. Army Band, at Fort Myer, Virginia -- Presentation of musical selections from World War I to contemporary tunes. TV 524 CDEC SPECIAL Christmas Story TV 525 U. S. Army Cold Weather and Mountain School TV 526 Army Digest No. 9 TV 527 Patrolling TV 528 Caribbean Command TV 529 Military Assistance Program (Part One) TV 530 U.S. Army in Berlin: Timetable for Crisis (Part One) (B&W - 1962) Role of U.S. Army in Berlin from VE Day 1945 to the critical summer of 1961 during the Berlin crisis -- companion film to TV 536. TV 531 Exercise Swiftstrike TV 532 The Chaplain and the Commander TV 533 Prelude to Taps TV 534 The Eagles Talon TV 535 Military Assistance Advisory Group: Iran TV 536 U.S. Army in Berlin: Checkpoint Charlie (Part Two) (B&W - 1962) Companion film to TV 530 -- picks up the report on Berlin, the divided city, in the critical summer of 1961. TV 537 Operation Readiness TV 538 The Army Chaplain Yesterday and Today TV 539 This is the Infantry TV 540 Opportunity to Learn TV 541 The USAREUR Story (Part One) TV 542 The USAREUR Story (Part Two) TV 543 Top of the World TV 544 Solid Punch TV 545 This is Our Strength TV 546 The Famous Forth TV 547 Special Forces - Guest narrator Henry Fonda TV 548 Military Assistance Program (Part Two) TV 549 America on the Move TV 550 Patterns of History TV 551 Strike Command TV 552 Soldier Statesman TV 553 This Is How It Is TV 554 Sky Divers TV 555 The Aggressor (See also TV 362) From The Film Archives: The aggressor -- a maneuver enemy -- captures "THE BIG PICTURE" -- "The Aggressors," a giant training aid of the United States Army, was formed after World War II at Fort Riley, Kansas. Their job: to create as realistic a maneuver enemy as possible so that combat training will approach the feeling of actual combat. In the first half of this most unusual THE BIG PICTURE, audiences discover the Aggressor Amy, Member Circle Trigon Party, have liberated large areas of the continental United States, but because of their success, THE BIG PICTURE viewers have been kept from the facts. This is a short documentary showing the liberation of the United States to date. After setting the pace for this program in the first 15 minutes, the camera examines closely this gigantic training aid of the Army. It is explained that at the close of World War II, a board of 100 combat-experienced American generals was formed to recommend training policies for the future. Out of these recommendations came the Aggressor concept of a maneuver enemy. The general mission of the Aggressor Army was threefold: First, to provide a realistic enemy for maneuver training; second, to provide realistic situations for intelligence training; third, to make sure that all American soldiers are aware that any future enemy will look and act differently from what they are accustomed to. http://thefilmarchived.blogspot.com/2010/10/big-picture-aggressor.html TV 556 Mobility TV 557 To Keep and Bear Arms TV 558 Take Command Catalog lists two titles as TV 559: TV 559 USARPAC TV 559 Climb to Glory (Part One) (B&W - 1963) Story of the 10th Mountain Division in Italy, and how it succeeded in breaking the Gothic Line, touted as invincible by the Nazi leaders. TV 560 Road to the Wall TV 561 Guerrilla, U.S.A. TV 562 Hidden War in Vietnam TV 563 Testing for Tomorrow TV 564 Alert CONARC (Part One) TV 565 Men in Training CONARC (Part Two) TV 566 Dragon's Teeth (B&W - 1963) General J. Lawton Collins tells of the fight to take the Siegfried line in World War II and of the campaign to cross onto the soil of Germany. TV 567 The Soldier is Tops (B&W - 1963) Report on impact, of technological, physical, and special requirements of today's fighting man, his selection and training. TV 568 The Armys All-Americans TV 569 Salute to the Navy TV 570 COMZ TV 571 Tools for Learning TV 572 Command Decision: The Invasion of Southern France (B&W - 1963) Story of "Operation Dragoon" in World War II -- Roosevelt, Churchill, Chiang Kai-Shek, and Stalin are featured. TV 575 Beyond the Call -- Part I (The Medal of Honor) (B&W - 1963) Cites acts of valor of American servicemen from Revolutionary era through the Mexican War. TV 576 Beyond the Call -- Part II (The Medal of Honor) (B&W - 1963) Continues with review of servicemen's bravery during World War I, World War II and Korean War -- tradition of bravery stressed to prevent war in this era. TV 577 Recall TV 578 The Third Challenge: Unconventional Warfare TV 579 Beachhead: Anzio (B&W - 1963) Documents the establishment of an allied beachhead at Anzio in World War II. TV 580 Pentagon Report TV 581 Salute to MATS TV 582 Shape of the Nation TV 583 AFN The American Forces Network TV 584 Alaskan Scout (B&W - 1963) Features activity of Eskimo scouts in the Alaska National Guard as they operate from fishing village of Shishmaref, near Arctic Circle. TV 585 Special Forces Advisor TV 586A At a Moments Notice TV 586B Salute to the Air Force TV 587 Fortress in the Sea (B&W - 1963) Story of recapture of Corregidor in World War II by General MacArthurs force -- includes recollections of Army nurse, paratrooper, commander, and Army sergeant. TV-588 Famous Generals -- Pershing (B&W - 1963) Military highlights of "Blackjack Pershings career, from prior to turn of century through World War I, including his retirement days. TV 589 Famous Generals -- MacArthur (B&W - 1963) Career of General MacArthur, with focus on World War II action in the Pacific, post-war era in Japan, and early days of fighting in Korea. TV 590 The Big Picture-Famous Generals-Eisenhower (B&W-28 min-1963) General Eisenhower's career with the military is traced from West Point to World War II - does not cover his service as President of the US. TV 591 Famous Generals-- Bradley (B&W-28 min-1963) Story of General Omar Bradley -traces his early as-s and schooling as well as his rise to top rank in World War 11 his military career. TV 592 Famous Generals --Marshall (B&W-28 mln-1963) Career of General George C. Marshall, including his post-military assignment as secretary of state. TV 593 A Nation Sings (B&W - 1963) A musical remembrance of Civil War tunes, featuring U.S. Army Band and chorus, and civilian vocalists. TV 594 Famous Generals -- Patton (B&W -1963) Military career of the colorful General George S. Patton, with focus on his World War II action in Africa and Europe. TV 595 Famous Generals -- Arnold (B&W -1963) General "Hap" Arnold's career during World War II, which is also the story of the growth of the present-day Air Force. TV 596 Famous Generals -- Stilwell (B&W -1963) Military career of "Vinegar Joe" Stilwell in the Far East during World War II. TV 597 Prelude to Taps (Color -1964) Tribute to American soldier in the form of Army drills, ceremonial and pageant as performed by 3d U.S. Infantry at Ft. McNair, Washington, D.C. TV 598 Operation Amigo TV 599 Climb to Glory (Part One) TV 600 Climb to Glory (Part Two) (B&W - 1963) The final break-through by the 10th Mountain Division in its relentless push toward final victory in Italy in World War II. TV 601 Paris 44 (B&W - 1964) The recapture of Paris in 1944, and how the allies saved it from mass destruction by the occupation forces of the Nazi regime. TV 602 The Measure of Our Defense TV 603 I Am A Soldier TV 604 Mapping Adventure TV 605 U. S. Army Advisor in Vietnam TV 606 Seventh Army Checkmate to Aggression TV 607 Operation Montagnard TV 608 Point of the Spear TV 609 R.O.T.C. A Pattern for Progress TV 610 An Army Moves (B&W - 1964) History of Army mobility from Revolutionary era to present day, with focus on logistical and transportation progress in the 20th century, and future mobility needs. TV 611 Soldiers in Greasepaint (B&W - 1964) Story of entertainers who travelled wherever the military were in World War II to bring them a laugh and a reminder of home. TV 612 AEF in Siberia (B&W - 1964) Vignette of the expeditionary force which visited Russia following World War I -- their mission and activities while in the USSR. TV 613 Pershing Joins the Ranks TV 614 Battalion Commander TV 615 D-Day TV 616 Thailand TV 617 Partners in Freedom TV 618 Third Army TV 619 One Week in October (Cuban Missile Crisis) TV 620 Traditions and Achievements (B&W - 1964) Story of the valor and determination of the citizen soldier to preserve the American ideal of freedom from Revolutionary times to Korean War. TV 621 Salute to the US Coast Guard TV 622 Medal of Honor TV 623 How Sleep the Brave (Color - 1965) History of Arlington National Cemetery and a tribute to the American statesmen and fighting men who gave their full measure for the nation. TV 624 Thayer of West Point (B&W - 1964) Story of Sylvanus Thayer and how he transformed the military academy into an institution known for its history of molding great leaders. TV 625 Old Glory (B&W - 1964) A tribute to our flag -- How it has been an inspiration to the American fighting man since it proudly carried its thirteen original stars. TV 627 American Soldier TV 628 NATO: Background to Berlin TV 629 Wings At The Tree Tops (US Armed Helicopters) TV 631 Iran TV 632 NATO: The Changed Face of Europe TV 633 American on the Move TV 634 Army in Action -- Episode I -- The Winds of Change (B&W - 1964) U.S. Army posture during first quarter of 20th century -- World War I buildup, peacetime demobilization, and life in U.S. during the 20s and 30s. TV 635 Army in Action -- Episode II -- The Three Faces of Evil (B&W - 1964) Post World War I: Rise of Mussolini and Hitler, Japan's aggression in China, Ethiopian War, Spanish Civil War, and effects of depression in U.S. TV 636 Army in Action -- Episode III -- Flames on the Horizon (B&W - 1964) World events 1939-1941: War in China, early phases of World War II in Europe, fall of France, U.S. mobilization, and Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. TV 637 Army in Action -- Episode IV-The Spreading Holocaust (B&W - 1965) Military events in 1941 and 1942, with particular focus on U.S. involvement in the Pacific, Europe, and North Africa. TV 638 Army in Action -- Episode V -- The Slumbering Giant Awakes (B&W - 1965) U.S. logistical and tactical operations in 1943 in North Africa, Pacific, Aleutians, New Guinea, and Europe, up to invasion of Sicily. TV 639 Army in Action -- Episode VI -- Global War (B&W - 1965) Conduct of War in 1943 on European and Pacific fronts -- allied advance in Sicily, New Guinea, Russia, Italy, and Pacific Islands. TV 640 Army in Action -- Episode VII -- The Tide Turns (B&W - 1965) Conduct of war in in 1944 allied advance in Italy, France, and Belgium -- Liberation of Paris, and advance into Germany. TV 641 Army in Action -- Episode VIII -- The Victory (B&W - 1965) Events leading to German surrender, May 1945 -- demise of Hitler and Mussolini -- liberation of Philippines, and final surrender of Japan, September 1945. TV 642 Army in Action -- Episode IX -- The Years Between (B&W - 1963) Post War Events 1945-1949; U.S. rehabilitation of Japan and Germany, Russia's expansion in Europe, Indo-China and Greek Wars, and Berlin blockade. TV 643 Army in Action -- Episode X -- The Cobra Strikes (B&W - 1965) Events leading to Korean War, conduct of the war from 1950 to 1953, and cessation of hostilities in July 1953. TV 645 Army in Action (Years of Menace) TV 646 Army in Action (The Finest Tradition) TV 647 A Pictorial History of the U.S. Cavalry (B&W - 1964) Military service of U.S. Cavalry throughout the nation's history, with focus on its changed combat role since World War I as an effective infantry unit. TV 648 Battle of St. Vith -- Part I (B&W - 1965) Background of events on Hitlers Ardennes offensive December 1944, with focus on 19 December attack on St. Vith, marking beginning of Battle of the Bulge. TV 649 Battle of St. Vith -- Part II (B&W - 1965) Story of the three-day attack on St. Vith and retreat of American Troops when the town was lost to the Germans. TV 650 Tried by Fire -- Part I (B&W - 1965) Role of 84th Infantry Division in fighting German Army in World War II -- Penetration of Siegfried line November 1944, and move into Belgium in December 1944. TV 651 Tried By Fire I) (B&W - 1963) Fighting by 84th Infantry Division in the Battle of the Bulge, crossing of the Roer and Rhine, and the desperate race to the Elbe. TV 652 Prologue to Leadership TV 653 A Soldiers Warranty TV 654 Action Vietnam TV 655 Teheran, Iran TV 656 Operation Scoreboard Catalog lists two different titles for TV 657: TV 657 Exercise Desert Strike TV 657 Bridge at Remagen Part I (B&W - 1963) Events surrounding capture of bridge at Remagen by American troops, 7 March 1945, giving U.S. forces the first bridgehead on the Rhine. TV 658 Bridge at Remagen -- Part II (B&W - 1963) Capture of bridge and subsequent tactical events -- military gain of the capture is assessed with regard to ensuing conduct of the war in Europe. TV 659 Tigers on the Loose Part I (B&W - 1965) Combat story of 10th Armored Division in World War II, with focus on events related to fighting around Metz and Bastogne. TV 660 Tigers on the Loose Part II (B&W - 1963) Combat story of 10th Armored Division continued -- fighting in Bastogne and ensuing events during push to Brenner Pass (From December 1944 to April 1945). TV 662 Drill Sergeant TV 663 Berlin Duty TV 664 Icecap (B&W - 1965) U.S. research and accomplishments on Greenland Icecap, with focus on work of armed forces since 1950 -- stress on military and policing importance of area. TV 665 Assignment Taiwan TV 666 EOD (Explosive Ordinance Disposal) TV 667 The Army Nurse Soldier of Mercy TV 668 Science Moves The Army TV 669 United States Strike Command TV 670 Alaskan Earthquake (B&W 1966) Story of the 1964 Alaska earthquake and its tragic effects -- the story of the post-disaster effort to rehabilitate the land and its people. TV 671 Army Medical Research TV 672 Your Army Reports TV 673 M-60: King of Armor TV 674 Why Vietnam TV 675 Your Military Neighbor (B&W 1966) How US Armed Forces achieve good community relations by promoting the public welfare here and abroad, under normal and emergency conditions. TV 676 Your Army Reports TV 677 Your Army Reports TV 678 Your Army Reports TV 679 Army Missions Unlimited TV 680 The Unique War (Vietnam War) TV 681 The Army in Taiwan TV 682 Not For Conquest TV 683 Lifeline TV 684 Our Heritage (B&W - 1966) Our heritage of freedom as enunciated in the Declaration of Independence and brought to life for posterity by the founding fathers -- military efforts of the nation to preserve these concepts from the Revolutionary era to the present. TV 685 Your Army Reports TV 686 U. S. Army in the Andes TV 687 Firepower for Freedom (Color - 1966) History and present day work on research and development of modern firepower, with focus on missions of: Picatinny Arsenal, Frankford Arsenal, Edgewood Arsenal, and the Army Procurement and Supply Agency. TV 688 Something to Build On TV 689 Your Army Reports TV 690 Of Soldiers and Altars (Color - 1966) Extensive religious activities and facilities provided by U.S. Army chaplaincy in CONUS and overseas for members of the Army and their dependents, of all faiths. TV 691 Chopper Pilot (Claws For The Eagle) (Color - 1967) Training of helicopter pilots: preflight and flight training provided by the warrant officer candidate program at Ft Wolters, Texas; and advanced training at the Army Aviation Center, Ft Rucker, Alabama. TV 692 Your Army Reports TV 693 The Red Diamond (Color - 1967) Story of the 5th Infantry Division (Mechanized), known as "The Red Diamond -- individual and unit training at Ft. Carson, Division Headquarters, and capabilities of each component of the division. TV 695 A Nation Builds Under Fire (Host Narrator John Wayne) TV 696 Your Army Reports TV 697 USO Wherever They Go (Color - 1967) Story of the worldwide activities of the USO since its inception in World War II, and its impact on the morale of the serviceman. TV 698 Alaskan Centennial (Color - 1967) Story of Alaska-its purchase and development by the United States -- present day Alaska -- role and mission of U. S. Army in Alaska. TV 699 The Armys Floating Workshop TV 700 NOT AVAILABLE TV 701 US Army Combat Development Command TV 702 To Answer the Call (Color - 1967) Story of the mission and capabilities of the Army and Air National Guard. TV 703 Probe and Pursue TV 704 The Army and Vietnam TV 705 Vietnam Village Reborn (Color - 1967) Shows operation LAM SON II, a combined U.S. and Vietnam revolutionary development program, is conducted by the U.S. 1st Division and ARVN 5th Division to restore a terrorized village. TV 706 The Inner Ring TV 707 Your Army Reports TV 708 Stay Alert, Stay Alive TV 709 Its Up to You Basic Combat Training combat (Color - 1967) A young soldier in advanced training recounts his experiences during the Army basic combat training course from the time of initial processing to graduation. TV 710 Shotgun Rider TV 711 The I in Infantry -- The Individual (Color - 1967) A young soldier describes his development as an infantryman during the eight-week advanced individual training course at the Ft. Ord Infantry Training Center. TV 712 The Pershing TV 713 Your Army Reports TV 714 Screaming Eagles in Vietnam (Color - 1967) Combat missions of the 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, from the summer of 1965 to January 1967: operations Van Buren, Harrison, Hawthorne, John Paul Jones, and Pickett. TV 715 The OCS Story (Color - 1967) Reviews history and development of Army's OCS program since its inception in World War I , and then follows one candidate through his training at the infantry OCS at Ft. Benning, Ga. TV 716 The Big Red One in Vietnam TV 717 Ready Around the World (Color - 1968) Depicts America's military readiness and strength in the complex international world of the '60s. A film account of the men on guard around the world. TV 718 Your Army Reports TV 719 Army Transportation -- Key to Mobility (Color - 1968) The story of the men in the Army transportation corps, who deliver men and equipment to t h e battlefields. Depicts their mission and their training. TV 720 -- The Sky Soldiers (Color - 1968) The story of the 173rd Airborne Brigade in Vietnam; operations at Vung Tau and Bien Hoa, and operation "new life," protecting the rice harvest for a hungry people. TV 721 -- Physical Fitness (Color - 1968) Describes the Army's emphasis on physical training, to develop physically fit men and women to protect the interests of the United States. TV 722 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) The New First Team TV 723 -- When the Chips are Down (Color - 1968) Host Narrator Bob Hope. Shows the training and readiness of the citizen-soldiers of the National Guard, a major part of the nation's strength in reserve. TV 724 -- Ready to Strike (Color-28 min-1968) Depicts the "Tropic Lightning" 25th Infantry Division; its history, and its exploits in Vietnam as a combat unit and a nation-building force. TV 725 -- Song of the Soldier (Color min-1968) Members of the Chorus of the U.S. Army Band sing the songs which have been identified with periods of crisis and conflict in the nation's history, from the Revolutionary War to Vietnam. TV 726 -- The Army's Civilians (Color - 28 min-1968) Depicts the highly-skilled and dedicated work of the civilians working for the Army at home and abroad, in peace and war. TV 727 CONARC Headquarters of the US Soldier TV 728 -- The Army Triangle (Color - 1968) Food, mail, pay; three things dear to the heart of every soldier. Shows how these important items are processed and delivered to the soldier. TV 729 Your Army Reports TV 731 The Senior Soldier TV 732 They Clear the Way (Color - 1968) Recounts the story of the Army Corps of Engineers and their mission in Vietnam to build bridges, airfields, and roads that bring mobility to the combat forces. TV 733 Platoon Leader (Color - 1968) Shows the men of leadership who take a platoon of men in battle, quickly assessing the situation and making the right decisions at the right time. TV 734 Your Army Reports TV 735 -- The Fight for Life (Color - 1968) Documents the remarkable work being done by the men and women of the Army medical service as they provide medical assistance in the field and the hospitals of Vietnam. TV 736 Vietnam Crucible TV 737 The Bridge (Color - 1968) Looks at the clergymen in uniform, the Chaplain's Corps. Describes the history of the Corps and describes dedication of the men in it. -Also visits Chaplain's School. TV 738 USARPAC (Color - 1968) Describes the activities and responsibilities of U.S. Army, Pacific, or USARPAC, comprising the men and missions in Vietnam, Korea, Okinawa, Japan, Taiwan, and Hawaii. TV 739 Soldiers-at-Law (Color - 1968) Shows the training that qualifies the civilian attorney as a judge advocate or military lawyer. Emphasizes how individual rights are guarded by the Military Judicial System. TV 741 Men With a Mission (Color - 1968) History, mission, and training, of the U.S. Army Reserve, highlighting its role during and after World War II, the Korean War, and in Vietnam. TV 742 Meeting the Need (Color - 1968) Takes a comprehensive look at the scientists and facilities of the U.S. Army Natick Labs, which provide research, development, and testing of foods, clothing, and equipment. TV 743 Your Army Reports TV 744 To Serve a Soldier (Color - 1968) Service facilities made available by Army special services to U.S. soldiers around the world: Service clubs, arts and crafts program, Army libraries, soldier shows, sports program, US0 shows, and R&R program. TV 745 Soldiers Christmas (Color - 1968) No matter where a soldier is stationed, from a remote Arctic outpost to the steaming jungles of Vietnam, the spirit of Christmas finds its way to him. TV 746 -- The Ninth Infantry Division (Color - 1968) Shows the undefeated battle record of the Ninth Infantry Division in World War II, and the new challenges to the "Old Reliable" today in Vietnam. TV 747 -- The Big Green Lab (Color - 1969) In the jungles and forests of Panama, the Army test and evaluation command devises new methods to protect men and equipment against the ravages of heat and humidity. TV 748 -- The First Air Cavalry Division (Color - 1969) The story of how air mobility is helping the First Air Cavalry, the "First Team," win the battle for freedom in Southeast Asia. TV 749 -- Logistics in Vietnam (Pipeline to Victory) (Color-28 min-1968) Documents the logistical effort and facilities at major supply ports and bases in Vietnam, and delineates the role of Army transportation, aviation, engineer, quartermaster, ordnance, and medical services in support of the fighting man. TV 750 -- West Point -- The Army Challenge (Color - 1969) Documents the story of a young man who enters the U.S. military academy and completes four years of study to qualify for a commission as a second lieutenant, U.S. Army. TV 766 -- The Golden Knights -- The Army Parachute Team (Color - 1969) Shows the Army parachute team performing their spectacular free-fall acrobatics and testing new air-delivery techniques and equipment. TV 751 Equal to the Environment (Color - 1969) Shows how lessons learned, and history, are used to train our soldiers to fight the dangers and problems of a hostile climate and terrain, as well as the enemy. TV 752 The Army Air Mobility Team (Color - 1969) Demonstrates how air mobility enables units and supplies to be immediately responsive to needs of combat operations in the difficult terrain of south-east Asia. TY 753 Seek and Strike (Color - 1969) Looks at the development of mobile armor, and examines the training of a tanker as he learns to move, shoot, and communicate from aboard the latest combat vehicles. TV 754 The Soldiers Heritage (Color - 1969) Documents the heritage of courage and sacrifice of the American fighting man in the determination to preserve Freedom throughout the history of the nation. TV 755 The Voice of Command (Color 1969) Tells the story of the globe-spanning communications chain that links the widely-separated Army elements into a single force, instantly responsive to the nation's needs. TV 756 The Silver Rifles (Color - 1969) Describes the meaning and tradition behind the combat infantryman's badge. TV 757 -- Korea Revisited (Color - 1969) Presents a look at the Republic of Korea today to show the progress and development of the nation and its people. TV 758 Ranger (Color - 1969) Visits Fort Benning, GA., where selected officers and men are trained to develop their leadership skills to the ultimate degree, earning the coveted ranger shoulder tab. TV 759 -- Call Me Mister (Warrant Officer) (Color - 1969) Describes the qualifications for the warrant officer training program, nature and scope of training, career fields for warrant officer specialists, and opportunities for professional advancement. TV 760 US Army Ft. Hood, Texas, Joint Organization Day (Military Vehicle Rides: Tanks, Jeeps and Personnel Carriers) TV 761 -- United States Army Europe (Color - 1969) Describes the role of US Army Europe as a deterrent force in Western Europe, covering both the missions exclusive of NATO as well as those performed as a member of NATO. TV 762 -- D-Day Anniversary (B&W - 1969) Replays the drama and battle action of the period of the landing at Normandy and the fierce combat to overcome the wall of "Fortress Europe" in June 1944. TV 763 NATO -- The Changed Face of Europe (Color - 1969) A salute to NATO as it celebrates its 20th anniversary. Reviews the history and accomplishments of NATO, and defines its present role in defense, of Western Europe. President Richard M. Nixon underscores NATO's relevance for the future. TV 764 -- The Fourth Infantry Division (Color - 1969) Tells the story of the "Ivymen" in Vietnam, from their arrival in 1966 through the critical battle for Dak To in the winter of 1968. TV 765 -- Meeting Tomorrow's Challenge (Color - 1970) Documents the Army Materiel Command's continuing task to develop, produce, and distribute everything the soldier needs, from boots to rifles, missiles to mess kits. TV 767 -- The Men From The Boys (Color - 1969) Shows how new recruits are transformed into trained soldiers during the first eight weeks of basic training, focusing on the role of the assigned drill sergeant and the reactions of the young inductees. TV 768 -- Americal Division (Color - 1969) Focuses on the history of the "Americal" Division; its participation in World War II against the Japanese, and its reactivation to carry on in Vietnam. TV 769 -- Your Army Reports #18 (Color - 1969) Reports on: the Chaparral-Vulcan Air Defense System for use against low-flying aircraft; EUCOM, the United States Joint Services Command on Guard with NATO. TV 770 -- The 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment (Color - 1969) Covers the activities in Vietnam of the "Black Horse" regiment, which proved that armored vehicles could be used under the jungle and marsh conditions found in Vietnam. TV 771 -- Scout Dogs (Color - 1969) Shows these modern-day counterparts of the K-9 Corps as they train with their handlers at Fort Gordon and Fort Benning, Georgia. TV 772 -- 82nd Airborne Division (Color - 1970) Traces the history of the "All American'' 82nd Airborne, the first Army airborne division, in World War II, in Santo Domingo in 1965, and in Vietnam. TV 773 -- Testing at Aberdeen (Color - 1969) Looks at tank and artillery testing at some of the most brutal and exacting test courses in the world, at Test and Evaluation Commands Aberdeen Proving Ground, Mo. TV 774 The Combat Infantry Soldier TV 775 -- What Makes a Modern Army? (Color - 1970) Describes the high standards of training and logistic support afforded today's soldier to enable him to implement the four responsibilities of the modern Army -- mission, motivation, modernization, and management. TV 776 -- A Day in America (Color - 1969) Presents the story of one day in America, the story of people going about their daily business, keeping America on the move under one free democratic system. TV 777 -- What Price Confidence (Color-28 min-1970) Depicts the Army test and evaluation command, which insures that equipment is free from, defects and will function in any climate and on any terrain. TV 778 -- A Visit to Mars (Color - 1970) Presents a look at the military affiliate radio system, its history, its operations, and its part in our world-wide network of communications. TV 779 -- Language Power For Peace (Color - 1970) Documents the imaginative approaches used by the Defense Language Institute to the task of teaching servicemen fifty different foreign languages. TV 780 -- The Feminine Touch (Color - 1970) Spotlights the contribution of the 12,000 members of the Women's Army Corps in more than one hundred military job specialties, adding the feminine touch to the Army. TV 781 -- Engineering for Tomorrow (Color - 1970) Details research, development, and construction work of the Corps of Engineers; includes flood control, polar research in Greenland, and a seaborne nuclear power plant. TV 782 -- The Spirit of Fort Benning (Color - 1970) Describes Fort Benning, Georgia, the largest and most comprehensive infantry training center in the free world. TV 783 -- The Army Nurse (Color - 1970) Offers a comprehensive look at the dedicated women and men of the Army Nurse Corps, and their duties throughout the world since 1901. TV 784 -- Fort Sill -- The Field Artillery Center (Color - 1970) Visits Fort Sill on the 100th Anniversary of its founding; shows the artillery center and school, the museum, and a "live fire" demonstration. TV 785 -- The Largest School House in the World (Color - 1970) Describes the scope and benefits of the U.S. Army general educational development program. TV 786 -- The General Bradley Story (Color - 1970) Another in the "Famous Generals" series. A film documentary of the life and career of General Omar Bradley. TV 787 -- 8th Infantry Division (Color - 1970) Describes the versatility of the 8th Infantry "Path-Finder" Division, and its training activities in Europe. TV 788 -- Prelude to Taps (Color - 1971) Members of the "Old Guard" 3rd Infantry perform drills and tableaus to dramatize the role of t h e U.S. Army in the Growth of our country. TV 789 -- The Border Watchers (Color - 1970) The story of the 2nd and 14th Armored Cavalry Regiments who stand guard on the delicate borderline between the free world and the iron curtain countries of Eastern Europe. TV 790 -- The Army's Helping Hand (Color 1970) The Armys role in civil assistance programs in the US and abroad. Construction, Medical and educational assistance, and disaster relief are shown. TV 791 -- Fort Bliss--Heart of Army Air Defense (Color - 1970) Shows some of the highly technical and exacting training the Army Air Defense Command gives the men who operate our electronic air defense network. TV 792 -- Progress to Peace (Color - 1971) Describes the Pacification and Vietnamization efforts of the US Army in Vietnam. TV 793 -- Recondo (Color-28 min-1970) Follows a class of soldiers through the three-week training course to become recondo, a soldier who plans and makes reconnaissance patrols into enemy territory. TV 794 -- US Army Alaska (Color - 1972) Traces the numerous contributions of the military to the development of our 49th state, examining in detail the training centers and troop activities that are USARAL. TV 795 -- The Third Armored Division-Spearhead (Color-28 min-1970) Describes the enormous power and mobility of the modern Third Armored Division in Germany, and the intensive year-round training that keeps its combat readiness sharply honed. TV 796 -- The Guns at Springfield (Color - 1971) Shows the story of the development of the US Army's small arms from the French and Indian War through the Vietnam War, in a tour through the Springfield Armory Museum. TV 798 -- The Might of the Pen (Color - 1971) Describes the work of the combat historians and combat artists who record the actions and faces of an Army at war. TV 799 -- The Fourth Armored Division (Color - 1971) Shows how the division keeps ready to provide armored support for the ground forces of NATO in West Germany, and how the men foster excellent German-American relations, TV 800 -- Mapping a Better Tomorrow (Color - 1971) Shows the activities of the topographic command, making maps of the earth for war and peaceful uses, and maps of the moon for the Apollo Astronauts. TV 801 -- The Third Infantry Division (Color - 1971) Graphically outlines the mission and training of this mechanized infantry division, the Rock of the Marne in World Wars, Korea, and its present mission in Western Europe. TV 802 -- The Twenty-Fourth Infantry Division (Color - 1971) Shows the division with the insignia of Hawaiian Taro Leaf; its fighting across the Pacific to the occupation of Japan, its reactivation during the Korean Conflict, and its deactivation in 1970. TV 803 -- Hall of Heroes (Color - 1971) Describes the bravery of the men named in the Hall of Heroes, dedicated to those who have won the Medal of Honor. TV 804 -- Young American Leaders (Color - 1971) Shows how the U.S. Army makes leaders out of todays young Americans, in OCS, ROTC, the Military Academy, and other training facilities, preparing them for leadership in the Army and in civilian life. TV 805 -- Vision to Victory (Color - 1971) Depicts the Combat Developments Commands mission to evolve, test, evaluate, and to recommend the concepts which will determine the future structure, tactics, and equipment of the Army. TV 806 -- There is a Way (Color 1971) Provides an inside look at the US Military Academy preparatory School, which helps men, otherwise unable, to qualify for entrance to the military academy at West Point. TV 807 First Infantry Division in Vietnam (1965-1970) (Color - 1971) Chronicles the major battle actions of the "Big Red One" in Vietnam, as well as some of their civic action projects there. TV 808 Toward a Better Environment (Color 1971) Documents the efforts of the Army Environmental Hygiene Agency to control the new problems which threaten man's environment, including pesticides and water and air pollution. TV 809 -- Mission in Action (Color - 1971) Reviews the contributions of the men and women of the US Army Reserve to the active army's mission in Vietnam. TV 810 -- AII the word to all the Troops (Color 28 - 1971) Describes the functions and activities of "Stars and Stripes" newspaper and the American forces radio and television service, which keep troops overseas informed on matters at home and abroad. TV 811 -- The Army's Music Men (Color - 1971) Explores the training and missions of the Army's music men today. Narrates the story of US Army Bands and musicians who provide music to lift the steps of our soldiers. TV 812 The Armys Other Role (Color - 1971) Portrays the US Army's civil assistance role; projects shown include the Lewis and Clark expedition, The Panama Canal, Road and waterway construction, and disaster relief. TV 814 The Making of the Soldier-Policeman (Color - 1971) Follows a military police trainee through such activities as accident reporting, riot control, and marihuana detection. Also describes rehabilitation program for military prisoners. TV 815 -- Pioneering for Tomorrow (Color - 1971) Surveys important research and development activities which have provided better materials, products, and services to the Army and to the general public. TV 816 -- Citizen Soldier Community Leader (Color-29 min-1971) This film is an excellent portrayal of the role of US Army Reserve units in community relations/domestic action activities. Army Reserve units are depicted in their role as citizen soldiers in parts of the United States and Puerto Rico. TV 817 USO--30 Years of Service (Color - 1971) Takes a look at the US0 today, from San Francisco to Boston, Southeast Asia to Italy, featuring Bob Hope; a worldwide documentary about this service to servicemen and women. TV 819 -- The US Army in Space and Under the Sea (Color - 1971) Spotlights the Army's contributions to the space program and its underwater salvage operations. Highlights the Army's early contributions in rocketry, mapping the moon, and communications. TV 822 -- Materiel Readiness (Color - 1971) Describes the value of materiel readiness in today's Army comparing the relatively simple needs of the revolutionary war with the complex logistical operations of today. TV 823 -- Drill Sergeant (Color - 1971) Focuses on one Army drill sergeant as he goes about his daily duties of shaping and molding young civilians into soldiers. 67. VTR; Vietnam Training Reports. VTR films are training reports of "Lessons Learned," highlighting combat and combat-support operations filmed on location in Vietnam. The purpose is to insure that Vietnam operations are widely known and incorporated into specific training activities and blocks of training instructions. See also SB, SFR, and TAR series. VTR 1 -- Vietnam Training Report -- Number 1 (Color-25 min-1966) Combat operations-1st Cavalry Division-evacuation of casualties-1st infantry Division-Combat operations 1st Infantry Division-Combat Patrol With the "Big Red One -- 1st Division Operations. VTR 2 Vietnam Training Report Number 2 (Color-28 min-1966) Vietnam combat activity, November and December 1965 and January 1966 1st Air Cavalry, 173rd Airborne, 101st Airborne, 1st Infantry, and ARVN, New Zealand and Australian units. VTR 3 -- Vietnam Training Report Number 3 (Color-18 min-1966) Vietnamcombat activity, January 19661st Air Cavalry in Operation Masher, 101st Airborne, ROK and ARVN in Operation Van Buren, and deployment of 25th Infantry Units to Cu Chi. VTR 4 Vietnam Training Report Number 4 Helicopter Operations (Color-24 min-1966) Techniques and tactics of airmobile concept applied in search and destroy mission by 1st Air Cavalry Division. Introduction by Major General Harry W. O. Kinnard. VTR 5 Vietnam Training Report Number 5 Armor Operations (Color-15min-1967) Techniques used by armor to cope with anti-tank mines, ambush tactics, and in a variety of search and destroy missions. VTR 6 Vietnam Training Report Number 6 Fire Support (Color-22 min-1966) Operation of various fire units to support ground troops in Vietnam role of artillery, vt fuzes and other ammunition, Army and Air Force aerial fire, and hawk battery. VTR 8 Vietnam Training Report Number 8 -- Counterguerilla Strike Operations (Search and Destroy) (Color-27 min-1967) Planning, landing, and dispersing troops, ground and aerial fire, sweep tactics, medication, and handling of captured personnel, (garbled) materiel. VTR 9 -- Vietnam Training Report Number 9 -- Counterguerilla Consolidation Operations (Clear and Hold) (Color-23 min-1967) Phase 1-Offensive tactics (garbled) to clear a designated area. Phase 11 -- the holding stage which is largely a defensive action. VTR 10 -- I am a Soldier (Color-52 min-1966) (Adopted film) A documentary on the day-today combat activities of one company commander and his unit in South Vietnam. VTR 11 -- Vietnam Training Report Number 11 -- Stay Alert, Stay Alive (Color-27 min-1967) Four-phase replacement training program carried out by 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, to prepare new troops in Vietnam for rigors of combat. VTR 12 -- Vietnam Training Report Number 12 -- Helicopter Door Gunners (Color-25 min-1967) Prerequisites and scope of helicopter door gunners course given to trainees in Hawaii; and typical combat missions of trained door gunners in Vietnam. VTR 13 -- Vietnam Training Report Number 13-- Part I--The First Team in Vietnam (Color-35 min-(garbled)) Activation and deployment of the 1st Cavalry to Vietnam and the systems, equipment and procedures used to pioneer the airmobile concept of warfare in Vietnam. VTR 13 A Vietnam Training Report -- Number 13 Part IIThe First Team in Vietnam (Color-1968) Tactics and techniques employed by the Cavalry in conducting: 1) interdictions operations; 2) search and destroy operations; 3) clear and hold operations; 4) support to other unit; and, 5) road security missions. VTR 14 -- Vietnam Training Report -- Number 14 -- Army Mechanized and Armor Operations in Vietnam (Color-38 min-1967) Report based on evaluations made by MACOV Study Group on the new emerging trends for armor and mechanized vehicles in search and destroy, ambush clearing, evacuation, reconnaissance, patrol, and security operations in Vietnam. VTR 16 -- Vietnam Training Report Number 16 -- The Engineer Battle in Vietnam (Color-27 min-) Work of the US Army Engineers in Vietnam; construction, logistical and combat support facilities; survey and mapping; water purification and distribution; and medical support operations. (NUMBER AND TITLE NOT LISTED) (Color-16 min-1969) Presents the lessons learned in Vietnam with regard to safe handling and proper maintenance of: M16 rifle, M1911A1 pistol, M60 machine gun, Hand Thrown Grenades, and Grenade Launcher. VTR 19 Fire Support Coordination (Color-25 min-) Portrays the role of the fire support coordinator, activities of the fire support coordination center, and the successful fire support techniques employed in Vietnam. VTR 20 -- Perimeter Defense (Color-21 min-1969) Defines the need for effective perimeter defense in Vietnam and shows how a rifle company establishes and maintains perimeter defense during day and night operations. VTR 22 -- Scout Dogs (Color-25 min-1968) Careful training of scout dogs, and their unique contributions to Army effort in Vietnam. VTR 23 -- Pioneer Engineer Work (Color-21 min-) Techniques, equipment, and ingenuity employed by US Army engineers in Vietnam to provide every possible logistic and combat support to the troops--stress on the importance of this work for the war effort and for long range benefits to the country.
Posted July 10, 2016; updated February 8 and June 10, 2019.
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